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Studio Niche

Small Scale Explorations


Studio Niche is a collective initiative which aims to learn from small scale by thinking, researching and building

Çapa 1


 Within the current money driven capitalist system and it's prevailing consequent lifestyles, we as a group of creative students (individuals?), have realized our inablity to persue the "way of doing" as we believe is ought to be. The skills we have acquired, as well as our approach of critical thinking and seeking "the better" have been rendered redundant in a world in which the most lucrative option is always regarded as the most important one. In response  to this evident lack of a table/platform on which other matters and issues we find valuable and important can be freely addressed, we have decided to create one.  


Studio Niche aims to propose alternative ways of using and shaping our environment by focusing on the importance of the “small”  which oftentimes is overlooked. We intend to focus on "minor"  problems that can have a major positive impact on soceity and nature when solved "creatively" and explore the transforming potential of the so-called insignificant. 


Studio is formed by a group of designers and creative individuals who came together to think, design, say and do something about the aforementioned problems. It is based on two main paradigms: collectivity and interdisciplinary production. The idea is to explore the true potential of collective action across different disciplines devoid of all hierachical orders. The free and collective production of ideas to create the "better" is the main motivation and the spirit that drives studio NICHE and is seeken by it.

alternative ways of using and shaping our environment by focusing on the importance of the “small”


Studio tries to focus on, expand, question and multiply the advantages of the small scale

Although we continuously question the idea of a practice that is ruled by discipline and driven by the flow of capital, we act on the small scale, not as an excuse for the scarcity of our current situation, but as a valuable resource in itself to find a niche within the current design discourse.



Studio follows the teaching tectonic (techne / tékhnē)  brought by the act of building. The idea is seen valuable for the reason of the embodiments of the ideas which are considered as a continuation of the process and a self-nurturing circle rather than a final product - the final stage.


Since the tectonic expression of small scale includes ourselves and the information, materials and possibilities that we can reach, it ensures that the process remains within a framework that allows it to be built and creates the environment where this feedback can always be received.

A work from Small Scale Spatial Improvisations Workshop, 2020.


Although there is a small scale thinking ground, it does not limit the scale in which this concept is formed, and the world, city or immediate environment from any scale creates the chance to start thinking and make small suggestions.


The small scale is actually able to offer a wide range of thinking, not denying any source from which the diversity, richness and originality of ideas can come from.


Opennig in the reeds done by the fishers, 2020, Eymir.


When we approach the space, starting from our own body and spreading to the environment, with the aim of bending and reshaping it, we attach great importance to the spatial awareness it creates. We believe that thinking about our immediate surroundings, other people, other creatures, and even non-living things on a small scale enriches the spatial exploration process and makes completely different contributions to the large scale.


We think that it is a scale that gives us the chance to focus on everything that we did not notice before, that we did not look at even if we saw, and that we did not try to make sense even if we feel.


A work from Small Scale Spatial Improvisations Workshop, 2020.


Studio Structure

We are on open studio. That means anybody regardless of their background can join us.

We think amateur but work professional. Since everybody brings their own interest and expertise, also expect for them to share their expectations and necessities. So working style and meeting is decided altogether. For now, we work as groups or individuals and share our ideas, think or criticise each other at predetermined meetings. 

The studio is open to anyone who might want to join us to get familiar with what we are doing and contribute to the discussions. Any ideas you think might be related to small scale, and design is also welcome in the studio and can be discussed widely and get to act together!

Just mail us if you want to be part of our journey. There's always a room for curious minds!



Studio is dealing around conceptual, research based and practical works which are inspired from small scale approaches' benefits. We are constantly looking for alternative approaches to small scale explorations in various mediums.

We mainly focus on three different work type:

1- Conceptual research around small scale inspired by upper scales.

2- Thereotical explorations on small scale.

3- Constructing small things by getting our hands dirty.



Eymir is the project where we look the small scale as a potential to improve the upper scales with small touches to the natural environment. 

We analyzed the Eymir Lake in Ankara and identified necessary programs and proposed a design alternative to improve lake ecosystem, population density and collective memory of Eymir.


Small Scale Spatial Improvisations

Small Scale Spatial Improvisations is the workshop where we explored the small scale in our immediate surrounding.

We discussed our awareness on our body, space, nothingness and physicality of things and created a small piece of our interpretation and bending of the physical world.

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